How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking?

Despite the success of famous public speakers like Warren Buffett, many people still fear public speaking. In fact, the billionaire investor was so terrified of it that he actually dropped out of a public speaking course. But he managed to enroll in another one, this time with other fearful people. Brian Tracy, another speaker with a public speaking fear, recommends meditating as a way to overcome the fear of public speaking.


There are a number of techniques you can use to eliminate fear. Try practicing your delivery in front of a smaller audience first to see how you feel. You can also use the extra adrenaline from the fear to increase your gestures and enthusiasm for your topic. Even the most experienced speakers have moments of trepidation. Listed below are some techniques you can use to eliminate fear. Hopefully one of these techniques will work for you.

Research your topic. Research is the sixth piece of the public speaking puzzle. The more you know, the more comfortable you will feel sharing it. A good topic could be anything from customer retention to employee happiness. You can also use your PowerPoint presentation to practice. Ultimately, you will overcome your fear of public speaking by practicing your speech. There are dozens of online resources for overcoming the fear of public speaking. Try one or two out to see how you do.

Focus on your audience. Remember that you’re on stage to help your audience, not yourself. Remember that your goal is to share your message and make a positive impact on their lives. Public speaking is difficult for most people, but if you follow these techniques, you can make a difference in the lives of many people. It can also be an empowering experience. If you can learn how to focus on the audience, you can overcome your fear of public speaking.

Try speaking more slowly. This way, you’ll learn to speak more naturally. If you’re a nervous speaker, speaking slowly and carefully is a good way to get over your fear. This will make you appear more confident and more competent. If you can learn how to speak more slowly, you’ll feel more comfortable speaking in front of an audience. In addition, if you have a good speaker, the audience will respect the work you’ve done.

Avoid distractions. When you’re nervous, you tend to focus on your own thoughts. For example, you might read over a book on public speaking and read it a few times. Those thoughts can be negative and distract you from delivering your message. Try to minimize distractions while you’re speaking to avoid any unnecessary anxiety. If you can’t focus on the audience, you’ll be more likely to be distracted by other negative thoughts and avoid presenting to an audience.


While there is no one cure for stage fright or fear of public speaking, there are various treatments for this disorder. Behavioral therapy, also known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), aims to help people change their thinking and learn new coping mechanisms. Psychological therapy focuses on the unconscious motives that lead to phobias. Cognitive behavioral therapy is an excellent option for treating public speaking fear. The goal of this therapy is to help a person overcome their fear of public speaking through a more positive approach to life.

Cognitive interventions were used in 50 of the studies. These included cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation therapy, and desensitization therapy. Psychosynthesis, EMDR, and cognitive-behavioral therapy were also used. In addition, participants had to be enrolled in a bachelor’s or master’s degree program and have no mental health problems to qualify for treatment. This research provides valuable information for determining which treatments are effective for treating this condition.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and calming medications are two common treatments for fear of public speaking. However, you must be willing to do what it takes to overcome your problem. You may be able to overcome the fear on your own, or you can work with other people. It’s important to remember that there’s no one right cure for social anxiety, but you can improve your chances of recovery with the right plan. It’s important to remember that the symptoms of public speaking respond well to treatment. Doug Stevenson recommends aerobic exercise before public speaking events to help improve focus.

Exposure therapy is another technique. Exposure therapy involves gradually exposing yourself to situations that trigger anxiety. Exposure therapy will reduce the symptoms of stage fright and performance anxiety. Mindfulness, a meditative technique, may help you achieve objective detachment from the problem and overcome your emotional reactions. It can also help you focus on the material you’re speaking about. This way, the audience will feel sympathy for you.


The association between genetics and fear of public speaking is interesting, but it does not explain the exact reason why some people are afraid to speak in front of others. For example, eye color is a well-known trait determined by a variety of genes. That is why a child with blue eyes could have two parents with brown eyes. However, genetics and public speaking have been proven to be a cause of fear for many individuals.

Thankfully, there are ways to combat this phobia. One of the best options is to visit the venue where you’ll be speaking and review the equipment. Another helpful tactic is to learn about the topic in advance. This will help reduce your chances of making a mistake and increase your chance of recovering from any jitters that might arise during your speech. If your genetics are linked to fear of public speaking, you may want to seek professional help.

While many people experience fear of public speaking throughout their lives, there are a few reasons why you might be more susceptible. First, it could be caused by early childhood trauma or genetics. Another possibility is that you have a timid personality. Your phobia of public speaking is a symptom of an anxiety disorder. Genetics may play a role, but it is still unknown. Genetics play a significant role in the development of this disorder, so it’s important to get a proper diagnosis.


For people who are terrified of public speaking, there are a variety of accommodations they can use to reduce their anxiety. A podium, ice water, and audiovisual equipment are examples of accommodations that may be suitable. You may also qualify for accommodations under the ADA. In order to minimize the fear associated with public speaking, you may want to avoid scripting your speech. However, if you do feel comfortable speaking from memory, you can prepare your key points in advance.

The first step to overcoming your fear of public speaking is to acknowledge that you will have some nerves. If your nerves are normal, think of them as energy. Try to use them to your advantage and transform them into confidence. Instead of allowing yourself to freeze in the corner, use these nerves to open up. In addition, if you have a strong self-esteem, this fear will disappear. Using these accommodations can help you gain confidence and succeed in speaking in front of a group of people.

Once you recognize the cause of your fear of public speaking, you can address the underlying reason. The primary fear is usually due to subordination to others, which impedes your ability to speak confidently and fluently. It can also stem from a combination of multiple fears. Once you know your underlying reason, you can work on your presentation and prepare accordingly. Belief in your abilities and overcome your fear of public speaking.

While it may be impossible to completely avoid this fear, you can make accommodations to overcome it. One of the most common accommodations is to make the public speaking environment more comfortable. Many celebrities and world leaders have overcome their fear of speaking in public. Learning how to deal with your own public speaking phobia will give you the confidence to tolerate discomfort. So, get started today. You might be surprised at the positive results! So, do not worry – remember, there are many ways to overcome your fear of public speaking. The benefits are endless.

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