High and Low Meaning & Sentence

High and Low Meaning


High and Low Sentence Examples

  • I searched high and low for my lost keys, but they were nowhere to be found.
  • He looked high and low for a good deal on a car, but ended up paying full price.
  • She went high and low trying to find the perfect dress for her prom.
  • We searched high and low for a place to stay for our vacation, but everything was booked.
  • I’ve looked high and low for a new apartment, but they’re all out of my price range.
  • He scoured high and low for a good investment opportunity, but found nothing promising.
  • I’ve looked high and low for the perfect pair of boots, but haven’t found any that fit my feet well.
  • She searched high and low for a good school for her child, but wasn’t satisfied with any of the options.
  • We looked high and low for a place to eat, but every restaurant was closed.
  • He went high and low trying to find a way to fix his broken car.
  • She searched high and low for a good deal on a new phone, but ended up paying full price.
  • We scoured high and low for a good place to camp, but couldn’t find a spot.
  • He went high and low trying to find a way to pay off his debts.
  • She looked high and low for a good deal on a new computer, but ended up paying full price.
  • We searched high and low for a good place to hike, but couldn’t find a trail.
  • He went high and low trying to find a way to make more money.
  • She looked high and low for a good deal on a new car, but ended up paying full price.
  • We scoured high and low for a good place to swim, but couldn’t find a spot.
  • I’ve looked high and low for a new place to live, but haven’t found anything suitable.
  • He went high and low trying to find a way to fix his broken bike.
  • I’ve searched high and low for a good movie to watch, but haven’t found anything good.
  • She looked high and low for a good deal on a new TV, but ended up paying full price.
  • We searched high and low for a good place to have a picnic, but couldn’t find a spot.
  • I’ve looked high and low for a new job, but haven’t had any luck yet.
  • He went high and low trying to find a way to save money.
  • I’ve searched high and low for a good book to read, but haven’t found anything interesting.

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