Hard Times Meaning
Unpleasant and difficult situation
Hard Times Sentence Examples
- It’s been hard times for the company since the pandemic hit.
- I’ve been going through some hard times lately, but I know I’ll get through it.
- I’m afraid the economy is heading for some hard times.
- He’s been through some hard times, but he’s come out stronger for it.
- She’s been having a hard time finding a job in this tough market.
- It’s been hard times for the small business owners in the area.
- I’m trying to save money for a rainy day, because you never know when hard times will come.
- I know it’s hard times for everyone, but we need to stay strong and keep going.
- They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going, and these are certainly hard times.
- He’s been through some hard times in his life, but he’s always managed to bounce back.
- It’s hard times for the farmers, with the drought and all.
- We’re all going through hard times right now, but we’ll come out on the other side.
- I know it’s hard times, but we need to keep our spirits up.
- It’s hard times for the retail industry, with so many stores closing.
- I’m trying to stay positive, even though it’s hard times.
- We all have to pull together during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the airline industry, with so many flights being cancelled.
- I’m trying to stay hopeful during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the restaurant industry, with so many places shutting down.
- We need to band together during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the oil industry, with prices so low.
- I’m trying to keep my head above water during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the housing market, with so many foreclosures.
- We need to support each other during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the stock market, with so much volatility.
- I’m trying to keep my chin up during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the auto industry, with sales down.
- We need to stick together during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the construction industry, with so many projects on hold.
- I’m trying to keep a stiff upper lip during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the banking industry, with so many defaults.
- We need to be there for each other during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the tech industry, with so many layoffs.
- I’m trying to keep my cool during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the insurance industry, with so many claims.
- We need to have each other’s backs during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the healthcare industry, with so many shortages.
- I’m trying to keep my footing during these hard times.
- It’s hard times for the education industry, with so many schools closed.