Crocodile Tears Meaning & Sentence

Crocodile Tears Meaning

False tears

Crocodile Tears Sentence Examples

  • She shed Crocodile Tears at the funeral, but nobody believed her sorrow was genuine.
  • His boss was known to cry Crocodile Tears when things didn’t go his way.
  • She was an expert in feigning Crocodile Tears to get what she wanted.
  • He shed Crocodile Tears over his lost job, but was secretly relieved.
  • Her Crocodile Tears didn’t fool anyone; they all knew she was happy to see her enemy fail.
  • The CEO’s apology was filled with Crocodile Tears, as he didn’t truly feel remorseful.
  • He was so good at shedding Crocodile Tears that even his mother was taken in.
  • The politician’s Crocodile Tears were a desperate attempt to win back public trust.
  • She cried Crocodile Tears at her ex-boyfriend’s wedding, but was really happy for him.
  • The criminal’s Crocodile Tears at his sentencing hearing didn’t sway the judge.
  • He shed Crocodile Tears at the news of his best friend’s death, but it was all an act.
  • The CEO’s Crocodile Tears were a performance to avoid blame for the company’s failure.
  • She was caught shedding Crocodile Tears at the charity event, but was really there for the free food.
  • The actor’s Crocodile Tears during his Oscar acceptance speech were meant to impress the audience.
  • He cried Crocodile Tears over his broken heart, but was secretly dating someone else.
  • Her Crocodile Tears were a ploy to get a better grade from the teacher.
  • He shed Crocodile Tears at the memorial service, but had never met the deceased.
  • The CEO’s Crocodile Tears were a tactic to get employees to work harder.
  • She was an expert in using Crocodile Tears to manipulate her coworkers.
  • He cried Crocodile Tears at the breakup, but was really looking for an excuse to move on.
  • The politician’s Crocodile Tears were meant to gain sympathy from voters.
  • She shed Crocodile Tears at the funeral, but only to impress her new boyfriend.
  • He was known for shedding Crocodile Tears to get out of trouble with his boss.
  • Her Crocodile Tears were a way to get attention from her crush.
  • He cried Crocodile Tears at his mother’s funeral, but was really there for the inheritance.
  • The CEO’s Crocodile Tears were meant to show solidarity with workers, but were seen as insincere.
  • She was caught shedding Crocodile Tears at the church, but was really just bored.
  • He was so good at crying Crocodile Tears that he convinced his boss to give him a raise.
  • The politician’s Crocodile Tears were a way to distract from a controversial vote.
  • She shed Crocodile Tears at her graduation, but was really just glad it was over.
  • He was known for shedding Crocodile Tears to get out of work.
  • Her Crocodile Tears were a way to avoid responsibility for her mistakes.
  • He cried Crocodile Tears at the end of a relationship, but was already dating someone else.
  • The CEO’s Crocodile Tears were a strategy to dodge criticism for a bad decision.
  • She was caught shedding Crocodile Tears at the wedding, but was really just hungry.

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