Complacency in a Sentence

Complacency Meaning: Complacency refers to a state of being satisfied with the current situation and not feeling the need to make any changes or improvements. It can also refer to a lack of concern or caution in facing potential danger or problems.

It is often considered a negative trait as it can prevent people from striving for greater success or addressing issues that need to be addressed.

Usage of Complacency in a Sentence

  • His complacency led to a lack of progress in his work.
  • The company’s complacency about cybersecurity resulted in a major data breach.
  • The team’s complacency towards training led to poor performance in the game.
  • She was criticized for her complacency in addressing the problem.
  • The government’s complacency towards climate change is a major concern.
  • His complacency in the face of danger almost cost him his life.
  • The complacency of the employees was a major factor in the company’s failure.
  • The complacency of the driver led to the accident.
  • The company’s complacency towards customer service resulted in a loss of business.
  • The complacency of the public towards the issue is alarming.
  • His complacency towards his health led to serious medical problems.
  • The complacency of the management towards employee complaints led to high turnover.
  • The complacency of the security guards allowed the thief to escape.
  • Her complacency about her finances led to unexpected debt.
  • The complacency of the government towards education is a major concern.
  • The complacency of the athletes towards training led to poor results.
  • The company’s complacency towards innovation resulted in a loss of market share.
  • The parents’ complacency towards their child’s education led to poor grades.
  • The complacency of the company towards safety led to a workplace accident.
  • His complacency towards his relationship led to its downfall.
  • The complacency of the citizens towards their rights is alarming.
  • The complacency of the company towards environmental concerns led to legal action.
  • The complacency of the employees towards their work resulted in poor productivity.
  • The complacency of the government towards the economy led to a recession.
  • Her complacency towards her personal growth led to stagnation in her career.
  • The company’s complacency towards employee development led to a lack of skilled workers.
  • The complacency of the public towards the election led to low voter turnout.
  • The complacency of the company towards customer feedback led to poor product design.
  • The complacency of the team towards their opponents led to a surprise loss.
  • His complacency towards his studies led to poor grades.
  • The complacency of the public towards health issues is a major concern.
  • The company’s complacency towards marketing led to a lack of brand recognition.
  • The parents’ complacency towards their child’s behavior led to disciplinary problems.
  • The complacency of the government towards infrastructure led to crumbling roads and bridges.
  • Her complacency towards her fitness led to weight gain.
  • The complacency of the employees towards their benefits led to a lack of satisfaction.
  • The complacency of the company towards employee morale led to high turnover.
  • The complacency of the public towards social issues is alarming.
  • The complacency of the team towards preparation led to poor performance.
  • His complacency towards his responsibilities led to criticism from his boss.
  • The complacency of the company towards quality control led to defective products.

Complacency synonyms

  • Self-satisfaction
  • Complacence
  • Contentment
  • Self-complacency
  • Self-content
  • Self-assurance
  • Self-congratulation
  • Arrogance
  • Conceit
  • Egotism

Complacency antonyms

  • Discontent
  • Unsatisfaction
  • Restlessness
  • Displeasure
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Discontentment
  • Unhappiness
  • Discomfort
  • Impatience
  • Unsatisfactoriness

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