By and Large Meaning & Sentence

By and Large Meaning

Used when you are saying something that is generally, but not entirely true

By and Large Sentence Examples

  • By and large, the weather has been quite pleasant this month.
  • The new employee is doing well, by and large, but still needs some training.
  • The company is profitable, by and large, but a few issues need to be addressed.
  • By and large, the students in this class have been very engaged and motivated.
  • The party was a success, by and large, but there were a few hiccups along the way.
  • The project is on schedule, by and large, but there are a few delays to be expected.
  • By and large, the team has been working well together and making good progress.
  • The new policy has been well received, by and large, but a few concerns need to be addressed.
  • By and large, the company has a good reputation in the industry.
  • The new product has been successful, by and large, but there are still some improvements.
  • By and large, the community has been supportive of the development project.
  • The concert was a success, by and large, but the sound system had a few issues.
  • By and large, the company’s financial performance has been vital in recent years.
  • The new software has been well received, by and large, but there are a few bugs that need to be fixed.
  • By and large, the employees are satisfied with their job and the company.
  • The new strategy has been successful, by and large, but there are still a few challenges to be addressed.
  • By and large, the company has a good safety record.
  • The new initiative has been well received, by and large, but there are still some concerns to be addressed.
  • By and large, the company has a strong management team.
  • The new process has been effective, by and large, but there are still some improvements.
  • By and large, the company has a good track record of meeting its goals.
  • The new system has been efficient, by and large, but there are still some bugs to be fixed.
  • By and large, the company has a good culture and strong values.
  • The new program has been successful, by and large, but there are still some challenges to be addressed.
  • By and large, the company has a good relationship with its customers.
  • The new design has been well received, by and large, but there are still some changes to be made.
  • By and large, the company has a good team of employees.
  • The new marketing campaign has been effective, by and large, but there are still some improvements to be made.
  • By and large, the company has a good reputation in the community.
  • The new service has been well received, by and large, but there are still some issues to be addressed.
  • By and large, the company has a good track record of innovation.
  • The new policy has been effective, by and large, but there are still some changes to be made.
  • By and large, the company has a good working environment.
  • The new product line has been successful, by and large, but there are still some improvements.
  • By and large, the company has a good relationship with its suppliers.
  • The new system has been well received, by and large, but there are still some bugs to be fixed.
  • By and large, the company has a good management style.

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