At a Stretch Meaning & Sentence

At a Stretch Meaning


At a Stretch Sentence Examples

  • At a stretch, the hike took us about four hours.
  • He could only play the piano at a stretch for about an hour before his fingers started to ache.
  • At a stretch, the lecture lasted for three hours.
  • The longest she could go without a break was at a stretch for two hours.
  • At a stretch, the book was over 500 pages long.
  • He could only run at a stretch for about a mile before needing to stop.
  • At a stretch, the concert lasted for five hours.
  • She could only work at a stretch for four hours before needing a break.
  • At a stretch, the movie was two and a half hours long.
  • The longest he could sit and study at a stretch was three hours.
  • At a stretch, the flight lasted for eight hours.
  • He could only swim at a stretch for about half an hour before getting tired.
  • At a stretch, the train ride was six hours long.
  • The longest she could go without eating was at a stretch for four hours.
  • At a stretch, the road trip was ten hours long.
  • He could only stay awake at a stretch for about 16 hours.
  • At a stretch, the play lasted for three hours.
  • The longest she could go without drinking water was at a stretch of six hours.
  • At a stretch, the game lasted for four hours.
  • He could only work out at a stretch for about an hour before needing to rest.
  • At a stretch, the dance performance was two hours long.
  • The longest she could go without using her phone was at a stretch of eight hours.
  • At a stretch, the conference lasted for four days.
  • He could only stand at a stretch for about two hours before needing to sit.
  • At a stretch, the concert tour lasted for six months.
  • The longest she could go without seeing her friends was at a stretch for a month.
  • At a stretch, the TV series had over 50 episodes.
  • He could only lift weights at a stretch for about 30 minutes before needing to rest.
  • At a stretch, the book club lasted for a year.
  • The longest she could go without taking a vacation was at a stretch of two years.
  • At a stretch, the project lasted for six months.
  • He could only work on a project at a stretch for about 8 hours before needing a break.
  • At a stretch, the movie marathon lasted for 12 hours.
  • The longest she could go without listening to music was at a stretch for a week.
  • At a stretch, the hike was about 30 miles long.
  • He could only study at a stretch for about 3 hours before needing a break.
  • At a stretch, the exam lasted for four hours.
  • The longest she could go without watching TV was at a stretch for a month.
  • At a stretch, the podcast had over 100 episodes.
  • He could only sit at a stretch for about 4 hours before needing to stand.
  • At a stretch, the trip was about two weeks long.
  • The longest she could go without talking to anyone was at a stretch for a day.
  • At a stretch, the presentation lasted for two hours.
  • He could only work at a stretch for about 5 hours before needing a break.
  • At a stretch, the training lasted for three weeks.

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