A Duck in a Thunderstorm Meaning & Sentence

A Duck in a Thunderstorm Meaning


A Duck in a Thunderstorm Sentence Examples

  • She felt like a duck in a thunderstorm during her job interview.
  • He was a duck in a thunderstorm when he had to give a presentation in front of his classmates.
  • The new employee felt like a duck in a thunderstorm on his first day at the office.
  • The concert-goer was a duck in a thunderstorm when the power went out during the performance.
  • The child felt like a duck in a thunderstorm during the fire drill at school.
  • The runner was a duck in a thunderstorm when it started pouring rain during the race.
  • The traveler felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when their flight was delayed for hours.
  • The student was a duck in a thunderstorm when they realized they had forgotten their homework at home.
  • The customer felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when the store was out of stock of the item they wanted to purchase.
  • The actor was a duck in a thunderstorm when they forgot their lines on stage.
  • The chef was a duck in a thunderstorm when the kitchen caught fire during dinner service.
  • The driver felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when they got lost on the way to the destination.
  • The teacher was a duck in a thunderstorm when they realized they had left their lesson plan at home.
  • The hiker felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when they got caught in a sudden storm on the trail.
  • The musician was a duck in a thunderstorm when their guitar string broke during a performance.
  • The designer felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when their computer crashed in the middle of a project.
  • The scientist was a duck in a thunderstorm when the experiment didn’t turn out as planned.
  • The athlete was a duck in a thunderstorm when they got injured during the game.
  • The patient felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when they found out they had a serious illness.
  • The writer was a duck in a thunderstorm when they realized they had writer’s block.
  • The photographer felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when their camera lens got foggy.
  • The salesperson was a duck in a thunderstorm when the customer walked out without making a purchase.
  • When the project was delayed, the engineer felt like a duck in a thunderstorm.
  • The administrator was a duck in a thunderstorm when the office computers crashed.
  • The manager felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when the employees went on strike.
  • When the patient’s condition worsened, the doctor was a duck in a thunderstorm.
  • The lawyer felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when the case didn’t go as planned.
  • The accountant was a duck in a thunderstorm when the audit revealed discrepancies.
  • When dealing with an angry customer, the customer service representative felt like a duck in a thunderstorm.
  • The janitor was a duck in a thunderstorm when the flood happened in the building.
  • The security guard felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when the alarm went off, and he had to investigate.
  • The cashier was a duck in a thunderstorm when the registers malfunctioned.
  • The delivery driver felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when lost on the way to the delivery address.
  • When the equipment broke down, the construction worker was a duck in a thunderstorm.
  • The truck driver felt like a duck in a thunderstorm when the cargo was spilled on the road.

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