A Drug in the Market Meaning & Sentence

A Drug in the Market Meaning

An unsaleable thing due to lack of demand

A Drug in the Market Sentence Examples

  • The new painkiller has caused quite a stir. It’s the latest drug on the market.
  • Investors are keeping a close eye on the pharmaceutical industry, hoping to find the next big drug in the market.
  • The CEO of the biotech company is confident that their new drug will be the hottest drug in the market.
  • The demand for the antidepressant drug has skyrocketed, making it one of the most sought-after drugs in the market.
  • The oncologist was excited to share the news of a new drug in the market that showed promising results for treating cancer.
  • The latest cholesterol-lowering drug is causing a lot of buzz, with patients and doctors alike eager to try it.
  • The market for new drugs is constantly evolving, with new breakthroughs and innovations happening all the time.
  • The launch of the new anti-inflammatory drug was a major event, drawing a lot of attention from the media and investors.
  • The diabetes drug was a hit with patients, quickly becoming one of the most popular drugs in the market.
  • The introduction of a new blood pressure medication caused a lot of excitement, with many patients eager to try it.
  • The success of the new anti-depressant drug has made it one of the most popular drugs in the market.
  • The new weight loss drug is creating a lot of buzz, with people eager to try it as a way to lose weight.
  • The latest drug in the market is creating a lot of controversy, with some people questioning its safety and effectiveness.
  • The new sleeping pill is quickly becoming the most sought-after drug in the market, with people eager to try it for a good night’s sleep.
  • The new pain reliever has quickly become one of the most popular drugs in the market, offering relief to people suffering from chronic pain.
  • The market for new drugs is highly competitive, with companies constantly looking for the next big thing.
  • The latest drug in the market is making waves, with many people eager to try it for its potential health benefits.
  • The new anti-anxiety medication is creating a lot of buzz, with many people eager to try it for its calming effects.
  • The new allergy medication is creating a lot of excitement, with many people eager to try it as a solution for their allergy symptoms.
  • The new diabetes drug is causing a lot of excitement, with many patients eager to try it as a way to manage their condition.
  • The latest drug in the market is causing a lot of excitement, with many people eager to try it for its potential health benefits.
  • The new heart medication is creating a lot of buzz, with many patients eager to try it as a way to improve their heart health.
  • The market for new drugs is constantly changing, with new treatments and innovations being introduced all the time.
  • The new mental health medication is creating a lot of buzz, with many patients eager to try it as a way to manage their symptoms.
  • The latest drug in the market is causing a lot of excitement, with many patients eager to try it for its potential health benefits.
  • The new digestive drug is quickly becoming one of the most popular drugs in the market, offering relief to people suffering from digestive issues.
  • The market for new drugs is highly competitive, with companies constantly searching for the next big breakthrough.

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