Out of Form Meaning
Not to be in good form
Out of Form Sentence Examples
- The team has been out of form lately, losing several games.
- The player’s performance on the field has been out of form, causing concern among the coaches.
- The singer’s voice was out of form during the concert, causing disappointment in the audience.
- The company’s financial performance has been out of form, resulting in a decline in stock prices.
- The politician’s speeches have been out of form, causing a decline in support from voters.
- The artist’s recent work has been out of form, receiving negative reviews from critics.
- The actor’s performance in the play was out of form, causing disappointment in the audience.
- The student’s grades have been out of form, causing concern among the parents.
- The athlete’s performance has been out of form, resulting in a loss in the competition.
- The employee’s work has been out of form, causing concern among the managers.
- The economy has been out of form, resulting in a decline in GDP.
- The chef’s dishes have been out of form, causing a decline in restaurant sales.
- The company’s product line has been out of form, causing a decline in market share.
- The speaker’s delivery has been out of form, causing confusion among the audience.
- The team’s offense has been out of form, resulting in a lack of scoring opportunities.
- The musician’s performance has been out of form, causing disappointment among fans.
- The writer’s recent work has been out of form, receiving negative reviews from critics.
- The student’s behavior has been out of form, causing concern among the teachers.
- The company’s customer service has been out of form, resulting in a decline in customer satisfaction.
- The athlete’s training has been out of form, resulting in poor performance.
- The team’s strategy has been out of form, resulting in a loss in the competition.
- The employee’s attendance has been out of form, causing concern among the managers.
- The market has been out of form, resulting in a decline in stock prices.
- The driver’s performance has been out of form, causing concern among the team.
- The team’s passing has been out of form, resulting in a lack of scoring opportunities.
- The company’s marketing has been out of form, resulting in a decline in sales.
- The singer’s pitch has been out of form, causing disappointment in the audience.
- The athlete’s conditioning has been out of form, resulting in poor performance.
- The team’s defense has been out of form, resulting in several goals being scored against them.
- The student’s attitude has been out of form, causing concern among the teachers.
- The company’s management has been out of form, resulting in a decline in productivity.
- The team’s execution has been out of form, resulting in a loss in the competition.
- The employee’s communication has been out of form, causing confusion among colleagues.
- The market trend has been out of form, resulting in a decline in investments.
- The athlete’s mental state has been out of form, resulting in poor performance.
- The team’s cohesion has been out of form, resulting in a lack of scoring opportunities.
- The company’s innovation has been out of form, causing a decline in market share.