Jaundiced Eye Meaning
To have prejudice or jealousy
Jaundiced Eye Sentence Examples
- He looked at the situation with a jaundiced eye, suspecting something was amiss.
- She viewed the proposal with a jaundiced eye, doubting its feasibility.
- He had a jaundiced eye for politics, seeing corruption everywhere.
- She looked at the new hires with a jaundiced eye, convinced they would fail.
- He viewed the stock market with a jaundiced eye, wary of its volatility.
- She had a jaundiced eye regarding religion, doubting its validity.
- He looked at the new technology with a jaundiced eye, skeptical of its benefits.
- She viewed the new fashion trend with a jaundiced eye, thinking it was ridiculous.
- He had a jaundiced eye for relationships, assuming they would end in heartache.
- She looked at the new diet with a jaundiced eye, convinced it wouldn’t work for her.
- He viewed the new company with a jaundiced eye, suspecting it was a scam.
- She had a jaundiced eye for social media, seeing it as a distraction.
- He looked at the new policy with a jaundiced eye, thinking it was misguided.
- She viewed the new law with a jaundiced eye, believing it would be ineffective.
- He had a jaundiced eye regarding education, thinking it was overrated.
- She looked at the new team with a jaundiced eye, unsure of their abilities.
- He viewed the new book with a jaundiced eye, expecting it to be mediocre.
- She had a jaundiced eye regarding the news, seeing it as biased.
- He looked at the new medicine with a jaundiced eye, questioning its safety.
- She viewed the new political leader with a jaundiced eye, doubting their integrity.
- He had a jaundiced eye for art, thinking it was overpriced.
- She looked at the new business venture with a jaundiced eye, fearing it would fail.
- He viewed the new movie with a jaundiced eye, thinking it would be bad.
- She had a jaundiced eye for science, seeing it as too complex.
- He looked at the new website with a jaundiced eye, thinking it would be poorly designed.
- She viewed the new music with a jaundiced eye, thinking it would be unoriginal.
- He had a jaundiced eye for sports, thinking they were overhyped.
- She looked at the new job opportunity with a jaundiced eye, thinking it would be a dead end.
- He viewed the new fashion designer with a jaundiced eye, thinking they were overrated.
- She had a jaundiced eye regarding the legal system, thinking it was corrupt.
- He looked at the new political party with a jaundiced eye, thinking it was a joke.
- She viewed the new social movement with a jaundiced eye, thinking it was pointless.
- He had a jaundiced eye regarding food, thinking it was overpriced.
- She looked at the new health trend with a jaundiced eye, thinking it was a fad.
- He viewed the new travel destination with a jaundiced eye, thinking it would be overcrowded.