Phrasal Verbs with Account – Meaning & Examples

Phrasal verbs are an essential aspect of the English language and can often be confusing for those learning the language. One group of phrasal verbs that may be particularly tricky is those that include the word “account.”

List of Phrasal verbs with Account

Here are a few common phrasal verbs that include the word “account”:

  • Account for

1. Account for

Account for meaning: to provide an explanation or justification for something. It is often used to describe the process of finding out why something happened or why there is a difference between expected and actual results.

Using Account for in a sentence:

  • Can you please account for the discrepancy in the financial report?
  • Unexpected expenses can account for the discrepancy in the budget.
  • The company is trying to account for all of the missing inventory.
  • The scientist could account for all the variables in the experiment.
  • The detective couldn’t account for the alibi of the suspect.
  • The different teaching methods could account for the difference in the test scores.
  • The missing funds have yet to be accounted for.
  • The new marketing campaign can account for the increase in sales.
  • The error in the report was accounted for and corrected.
  • The teacher asked the students to account for their absences.
  • The company is working on accounting for all of the emissions it produces.
  • The witness could account for their whereabouts at the time of the crime.
  • The expansion can account for the increase in profits in new markets.
  • The missing documents have yet to be accounted for.
  • The discrepancy in the data was accounted for, and the results were adjusted accordingly.
  • The company is trying to account for all the lost time due to the strike.
  • The different sample groups can account for the difference in the survey results.
  • The missing supplies have yet to be accounted for.
  • The increase in productivity can be accounted for by implementing new technology.
  • The calculation error was accounted for, and the final result was correct.
  • The teacher asked the students to account for their progress on the project.
  • The company is working on accounting for all of the waste it produces.
  • The witness could account for their actions on the day in question.
  • The successful launch of a new product can account for an increase in revenue.
  • The missing equipment has yet to be accounted for.
  • The discrepancy in the results was accounted for, and the study was deemed reliable.
  • The company is trying to account for all of the missing documents.

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